
Enrolling/Transferring - ACT Public Schools

Visit the Education website at www.education.act.gov.au for more information and to enrol using the online enrolment form

Parents/carers are welcome to apply to enrol/transfer their child at any time during the school year using an online application form. Full details are available from the Education website.

Enrolling in Year 7

Students who live in our Priority Enrolment Area (PEA) and are currently in year 6, will be given automatic enrolment at Melrose High, however, the Online enrolment process still needs to be completed to ensure a place is secured. All enrolment in ACT Public Schools is now managed Online through the Education Directorate website.

Applications for 2025 enrolment will open Wednesday 30 April 2024. Visit the link to complete the enrolment process or for more information Education Directorate website.

Priority Enrolment Area

Melrose High School serves the following suburbs:

Priority Enrolment Areas

Enrolling / Transferring in Year 8 - 10 (or Year 7 outside of the core enrolment time)

All enrolment in ACT Public Schools is now managed Online through the Education Directorate website.  The Principal will determine the availability of places and you will be notified if there is a place available.

Changes to enrolment procedures for NSW students

The ACT Government has an agreement with the NSW Government to provide services to NSW residents from the surrounding ACT region.  Each year, around 1,800 NSW students cross the border to attend one of Canberra’s Public Schools.

Due to expected growth in the surrounding ACT region, the ACT Government, in conjunction with the NSW Government, has modified the procedures for NSW enrolments.

From now on, NSW resident families who are seeking enrolment at a Canberra Public School will be offered a place in one of the selected pathway schools.  NSW resident students will only be accepted at one of these northside or southside pathway schools.  

This does not immediately affect the enrolment of any NSW resident student who is currently attending a Canberra Public School, however, the new procedure will apply when that student transitions to the next stage of schooling.

In the case where a NSW resident student is enrolled at a non-pathway school and the family wishes to enrol a sibling, the application will only be considered where the school has capacity, after accepting ACT resident enrolments and where both students will be attending the school at the same time.

This new procedure will provide greater certainty for NSW families, by providing specific pathways for NSW students seeking to attend Canberra Public Schools. Please visit the Education Directorate website for further information.