Years 7 and 8

In Year 7, students study human prehistory and ancient civilisations developing their enquiry and analysis skills through the sequencing of causes and effects. They will also study business and economics recognising the interrelations between businesses and consumers. Students will then investigate the connections between humans and their environment in their geography unit. Finally they will close the year out with an examination of Australia’s government structure and political entities.

In Year 8, students will participate in the same core topics, but their geographical studies will examine how land forms are shaped and in turn shape us. Their history unit broadly examines history from the fall of the Roman Empire through to the Industrial Revolution. Students in Year 8 will also continue their civics and citizenship study by looking at how people participate in Australia’s political system and broader civic life. They will also continue to examine business and economics by focusing on markets.

Years 9 and 10

In Year 9 and 10, students study a variety of units aimed at giving students a deeper understanding and appreciation of issues facing Australia and the world.

The units studied include:


Students cover the period of history from 1750-1918 in the Making a Nation unit, exploring three depth studies on The Frontier Wars, the Industrial Revolution and World War I. The period of 1918 - The Modern Day is also explored through two depth studies: World war II and Freedoms (1945 – the present).


Students study Geography through the study of Geographies of Interconnections, Global Issues and Geographies of Human Wellbeing. These units focus on how people, through their choices and actions, are connected to places throughout the world in a wide variety of ways and the different concepts and measures of human wellbeing.

Legal Studies

Students gain a foundational understanding of laws and the Australian legal system. With a focus on contracts, negligence, defamation and the relationship between parliament and the courts, in semester 1, and criminal law, investigative procedures and in depth discussions on sentencing and punishment. To engage students further, there are mock trials each semester to test how well they analyse the law.

Financial Literacy and Economics and Business

Students gain a basic understanding of finance, economics and the global financial system. In particular, there is a focus on giving students a practical understanding of personal finance and Australia’s economic performance and standard of living.

Civics and Citizenship

Students examine the legal and political systems of Australia and learn about the ways political parties, interest groups, media and individuals influence government and decision-making processes. They also investigate the features and principles of Australia’s constitution, parliament and court system.