Student Awards

Year 10 Graduation Awards

Melrose High School Dux - Australian Catholic University Award - The ACU Year 10 Award, is awarded for outstanding academic achievement. Melrose High School has chosen to make this our Dux award.

ACU offers this award to schools, recognising Year 10 students for:

Awarded for outstanding academic achievement, the student achieving the highest number of A grades, in core subjects, is awarded the Melrose High School Dux Australian Catholic University Award.

ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership Award - Awarded for leadership, initiative and teamwork. A student who has demonstrated strengths in some of the following areas:

For more information visit their website Long Tan Award

ADF Future Innovators Award - Recognising student achievements in STEM: A student who demonstrates innovation, motivation and achievement in the learning area of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). Award recipients are not required to have shown every behaviour or attribute listed here; however, all award recipients must have demonstrated behaviours and attributes to a level greater than that shown by their peers.

For more information visit their website ADF Future Innovators

Melrose Achievement Award - This is a Melrose High School based award for a high achieving student in the areas of sport, school community involvement and for academic achievement.

Melrose Sports Star Award - Awarded to an outstanding student who has demonstrated excellence in sport and they may have represented the school and /or the state.

Health & Physical Education Excellence Award - The top academic achiever in PE (awarded on achievement in core classes only). Where multiple top academic achievers are identified, PE electives are considered.

English Excellence Award - The top academic achiever in English. The highest achieving student in the subject area.

Mathematics Excellence Award - The top academic achiever in Maths. The highest achieving student in the subject area.

Humanities & Social Sciences Excellence Award - The top academic achiever in HaSS, where multiple top academic achievers are identified, HaSS electives are considered.

Malcolm Barlow Performing Arts Excellence Award - The top academic achiever in Performing Arts. This student must excel in two or more Performing Arts subjects throughout Year 9 and 10. They participate in school performances like assemblies and/or Entertainment Night.

Design and Technology Excellence Award - The top academic achiever in Design and Technology classes. This student must excel in two or more Design and Technology subjects throughout Year 9 and 10.

Taipei Economic & Cultural Offices Language Award - The top academic achiever in Mandarin Language. The highest achieving student in the subject area.

Japanese Embassy Award - The top academic achiever in Japanese Language. The highest achieving student in the subject area.

Indonesian Embassy Award - The top academic achiever in Indonesian Language. The highest achieving student in the subject area.

Big Picture Excellence Award - The top academic achiever in Big Picture. The highest achieving student in the subject area.

Science Excellence Award - The top academic achiever in Science (awarded on achievement in core classes only). Where multiple top academic achievers are identified, Science electives are considered.

English as an Additional Language or Dialect Excellence Award - The top academic achiever in EAL/D classes. (EAL/D is a progression of achievement rather than a grade so this is manually calculated by the classroom teacher).

Kurt Steel High School Legend Award -  Awarded to a student who demonstrates perseverance and resilience in and out of school. A dedicated, committed and talented student.

Robert Harvie Memorial Bursary - Each year the recipient will be chosen from the Year 10 students attending Melrose High School who will be continuing their education at Canberra College the following year. Each recipient will be chosen by the Principal (or their delegates) of Melrose High School. The award goes to a deserving student for whom the bursary is likely to make a significant difference to their ability to achieve their potential in College. Academic and other achievements, leadership qualities and career choices should be considered, but they are not priority criteria. The aim is to encourage and enable students to achieve their potential.

Principal’s Art Acquisition Award - For this award, the Principal selects a piece of art to hang in their office. Traditionally, Melrose High School has used this artwork in promotional material the following year (for example the school has made cards with the image of this artwork on it). The artwork should be appropriate for promotional material and ideally created by a student who has excelled in Visual Art or Photography throughout Years 9 and 10.

ACT ETD Excellence Awards - Awarded to three students:

1. Successful Learner - Demonstrating excellence in academic achievement

Possible descriptors of achievement:

2. Confident and Creative Individual - Demonstrating the pursuit of excellence in the setting of personal goals

Possible descriptors of achievement:

3. Active and Informed Citizen - Contributing to the life of the school and the broader community

Possible descriptors of achievement:

The Australian Olympic Change-Maker Award - Up to two students are nominated each year who demonstrate the Olympic spirit – friendship, sportsmanship and striving for excellence - both on and off the playing field, through leadership and driving positive change in their school and local communities. Australian Olympic Change-Mak...

Year 7 - 10 Semester Awards

Semester Achievement Awards - Awarded to the student who demonstrates the highest level of academic achievement for each class.

Semester Effort Awards - Awarded to the student who demonstrates the highest level of effort for each class.

Top 3 PBL Achievers - The three students who have achieved the highest number of MVP points over the semester (at the discretion of the Student Engagement team). This is awarded at the End of Semester Awards Assembly -  Semester 1 - Year 7, 8 ,9 and 10 and

Semester 2 - Year 7 , 8 and 9 and at the Year 10 Graduation.

Year Coordinator Awards - Awarded to a student demonstrating a positive attitude, the school values, community involvement and or school leadership. Awarded at End of Semester Awards Assembly - Semester 1 - Year 7, 8 ,9 and 10 and

Semester 2 - Year 7 , 8 and 9 and at the Year 10 Graduation.

Highest Academic Achiever - The top academic achiever in each year group. Awarded on the number of A grades in core subjects.