Student Leadership

Student Leadership

At Melrose, we believe in nurturing leadership qualities from an early stage.
In Year 9, all students undergo training in our Peer Support program, a cornerstone of our Leadership initiative.

As students progress to Year 10, they are presented with abundant opportunities to showcase their leadership skills. From guiding parents during teacher nights and promoting involvement in sporting carnivals. The avenues for leadership are boundless. Each leadership role undertaken earns students a certificate, a testament to their dedication and contribution to the school community.

Among the myriad of opportunities, students may find themselves mentoring incoming Year 7 students, representing the school at community events, or even applying for prestigious positions within our Leadership Team.

The Leadership Team, comprising roles such as School Captains, Vice Captains, and House Captains, spearheads initiatives to enrich school culture and foster community engagement.

The functions of our Student Leadership Team extends far beyond mere representation. They serve as ambassadors, advocates, and catalysts for positive change within our school. From organising charity events to voicing student concerns to the administration, our Student Leaders play a pivotal role in shaping the Melrose experience for everyone.

The functions of the Student Leadership team are varied and include: