School Board

School Boards were established in the ACT to allow the maximum participation of teachers, parents and students, in cooperation with the Department of Education and Training, to develop the educational environment within individual schools.

The Board is composed of three elected parent representatives, two elected teacher representatives, the Principal (ex officio), one nominee of the Department of Education and Training, and two elected student representatives.

The Board is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the school budgets, considering submissions for curriculum change, helping prepare duty statements for Principal appointments and representing the school community in making submissions to the Department of Education and Training or other government or non-government groups.

The Melrose High School Board has played an important role in promoting the interests of the school and its students and looks to the continued assistance of parents, students and staff in its future work.


School Reports

Annual Action Plan Report/ Impact Report

Melrose High School Impact Report 2022 (PDF 269.8 KB)

Melrose High School Impact Report 2022 (PDF 138.1 KB)

Melrose High School Impact Report 2021 (PDF 353.4 KB)

Melrose High School Impact Report 2020 (PDF 297.6 KB)

Melrose High School Impact Report 2020 (PDF 129.3 KB)

Melrose High School Impact Report 2019 (PDF 130.6 KB)

Melrose High School Impact Report 2019 (PDF 304.7 KB)

Annual School Board Report

Mount Stromlo High School Annual School Board Report 2023.pdf (PDF 420.0 KB)

Mount Stromlo High School Annual School Board Report 2023 (PDF 1.3 MB)

Melrose High School Annual School Board Report 2023 (PDF 388.7 KB)

Melrose High School Annual School Board Report 2023 (PDF 148.7 KB)

Melrose High School Annual School Board Report 2022 (PDF 723.9 KB)

Melrose High School Annual School Board Report 2022 (PDF 3.5 MB)

Melrose High School Annual School Board Report 2021 (PDF 284.5 KB)

Melrose High School Annual School Board Report 2021 (PDF 1.0 MB)

Melrose High School Board Report 2020 (PDF 993.3 KB)

Melrose High School Annual School Board Report 2019 (PDF 6.9 MB)

Melrose High School Annual School Board Report 2018 (PDF 5.1 MB)

Melrose High School Annual School Board Report 2017 (PDF 2.5 MB)

Melrose High School Annual School Board Report 2017 (PDF 1.4 MB)

External School Review Report

Melrose High School Report of Review 2023 (PDF 459.5 KB)

Melrose High School Report of Review 2023 (PDF 453.5 KB)

School Improvement Plan

Melrose High School - School Improvement Plan 2024-2028 (PDF 362.6 KB)

Melrose High School - School Improvement Plan 2024-2028 (PDF 222.5 KB)

Melrsoe High School School Improvement Plan 2019-2023 (PDF 265.9 KB)

Melrose High School Strategic Plan 2014-2017 amended (PDF 339.6 KB)

Melrose High School Strategic Plan 2014-2017 amended (PDF 306.5 KB)

Melrose High School Strategic Plan 2014-2017 (PDF 316.0 KB)

Melrose High School Strategic Plan 2014-2017 (PDF 1.0 MB)