Our School

Melrose High School is an inclusive government school, which enjoys a high international and local reputation. The school has a very multicultural composition and works closely with its local and extended community to provide a well-balanced and stimulating curriculum. The school sets high expectations and achieves quality outcomes in student leadership, academic, sporting and cultural performances.

Melrose High School is a Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL) school which is a framework that promotes positive behaviours across the school to develop safe and supportive learning environments. At Melrose our students work towards the values of Safe, Respectful, Learner.

Melrose High School nurtures and values difference, social, cultural, learning abilities and styles. Our inclusive philosophy is reinforced through a safe and health promoting environment. The wellbeing of every student ensure that each has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

I welcome you to come and experience the Melrose High School diversity.

Diana Whymark
